Our proposal on repairs and refurbishment contains any kind of repair at our home base at Kassel or any any kind of service around the globe.
Firstly, any gearbox repaired at Kassel will be tested on our unique and professional test centre according to our newest quality standards and best operational experience. Due to our specific test equipments, we are able to deeply investigate your components in detail.
Our offering is build on a modular kit concept, which enables you to select easily between different levels of maintenance. This is on one hand a dedicated Seal and Bearig Kit, as well also our complete Refurbishment Kit which provides you with any kind of required spares and workforce even than if it is required to take new life for inherited gearboxes.
We operate globally, in accordance to your needs. We monitor and repair your components or provide long term supervision on it.
Service for Railway Gears
Carmen Pilger
TS Henschel GmbH
Tel.: +49 561 810495-22
Fax: +49 561 810495-95
E-Mail: pilger.carmen(at)henschel.de
Service for Extrusion Gears
Stefan Knieling
TS Henschel GmbH
Tel.: +49 561 810495-21
Fax: +49 561 810495-95
E-Mail: knieling.stefan(at)henschel.de
Service for Worm Gears
Thomas Wiegand
TS Henschel GmbH
Tel.: +49 561 810495-22
Fax: +49 561 810495-95
E‑Mail: wiegand.thomas(at)henschel.de
Service for Special Gears
Thomas Wiegand
TS Henschel GmbH
Tel.: +49 561 810495-22
Fax: +49 561 810495-95
E‑Mail: wiegand.thomas(at)henschel.de
Service for Melt Pumps
Stefan Knieling
TS Henschel GmbH
Tel.: +49 561 810495-21
Fax: +49 561 810495-95
E-Mail: knieling.stefan(at)henschel.de